
I Want To Go To There | N. 3

Another location that I, best way to put it in the words of Liz Lemon, want to go to there. Stockholm, Sweden is next on my Europe visit list. A trip across the pond is in the works for later in the year and exploring somewhere in the Scandi-land has plenty of appeal. 

The city is full of beautiful Swedish architecture and sprawling gardens- Bergianska. Another plus, are the canals (umm... canal tours, sign me up?!) that surround the city. For a list of museums and such- check out here

We also cannot forget that the Scandis kill the street style game. 

Previous "I Want To Go There" found here... Kauai?... Antarctica


  1. Stockholm is amazing. If you ever need tips, let me know!

  2. I've never been to Stockholm before, but it's definitely high up there on my list of places to go!

    - Kirstin


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