
Clear Eyes

Sorry for being missing-in-action (otherwise sailing) this past week. It's been a long one. To break it down; four new bruises, maybe a broken finger, blonder hair, interesting tan lines, seven foot waves, many boats, and one regatta. 

That's Laser sailing for you. I have no idea what motivates me to work through waves that break over my head or when my quads are on fire from hiking upwind, but that little spark inside me (wherever the hell it is!) tells me to work harder and better. Despite a sore body and a towering stack of overdue homework, I'm ready to fly home after an eye-opening week on the water. 

A change in the tides here (pun fully intended).... This wrap waist playsuit from Zara is the best excuse of dressing up. Fellow black cats rejoice! 

One more thing.

The ideal way to sum up this week is quoting my favorite (errr.. fictional) sports team. the Dillion Panthers. 

Photos by Alexandra Gibbs

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