
Café Minerva

Sunglasses: Ray-Ban, Rings: Madewell & Asos

New York City is known for several things, including leaving you wondering where all your cash went in a span of a day and its zero shortage of coffee shops. While the first of the two is meant for another time and day, let's focus on the latter.

Alexandra and I met over the weekend at Café Minerva in the West Village. The village is a hub of topnotch coffee shops, and me not being anything close to a coffee & co. extraordinaire fall hard and fast for any new place that meets my standards. I also don't drink coffee, but hey when in Rome (errr... New York City?). Not to mention, scoring a window seat means prime people watching, because I know you all consider that. 

Most definitely adding Café Minerva to my favorites list. On that topic, I have a mass travel guide in the works, plus one focusing specially on New York City. Please leave any and all comments below or shoot me an email regarding what you'll like to see included in the guide. As always, you speak and I listen. 

Photos by Alexandra Gibbs

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