
Trot to Turkey

Thanksgiving is this week. And Christmas is in about month. 
Let that sink in for a minute... wasn't just September? Time flies when you're having fun, eh?

As for when Thursday rolls around, this mini plaid skirt won't exactly cut it, considering food is a main factor of the day- and a intense game of Clue. Whilst this sweater- which also has a makeshift hood- is #1 winner. Or a jumpsuit. Perhaps a onesie? (#yolo?) 

Any who, returning to the schoolgirl look once again. 

Photos by Emily Malan, Edited by me


  1. Love this look. The plaid skirt + over the knee boots are too cute together!!

    xx freshfizzle

  2. I really love this outfit! My Thanksgiving look is very similar, ha!

    Constance || Prep Northwest


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